


Econ Society Logo Saint Mary's College



The purpose of this club is to engage students who are interested in economics through academic 和 social activities, connect students with faculty 和 networking opportunities in an effort to extend economic education beyond the classroom, 和 to allow student collaboration to make members' years at Saint Mary’s College 和 years after both enriching 和 successful.

The 经济社会 of SMC (ESSMC) is a community-oriented club that seeks to unify the department 和 promote economic thinking. Our club represents the school 和 reflects its Lasallian core principles while providing a place where our members can socialize 和 learn. Club meetings will consist of on 和 off-campus events created to enhance networking opportunities for our members. 访问s from important individuals from the community 和 discussions with fellow members will allow students to have the opportunity to apply their knowledge 和 gain more exposure in the field of economics.  

Saint Mary's 经济社会 Financial Literacy Event

Financial Literacy Event

During the fall semester 2023, the Econ Society hosted a Financial Literacy Event in Dante Hall. Huge thank you to our amazing speakers 克里斯·J. 持有,CFP®,CRPS®Cortl和 L. 戈莱特利 for a fantastic discussion with our undergraduate students! Topics included the time value of money, the importance of building good credit, 税率, 债务与收入之比, 租金 & mortgage rates, credit history, 和 retirement plans. It was a fabulous event with strong participation from our student audience. And special thank you to the Econ Society executive team for organizing such a valuable experience for our students. 



owen houghtelling saint mary's college


主要: 经济学 / 数据科学

小: 数学

学年: 高级

家乡: ,而CA

我加入了经济协会. . .

to develop better relationships with our amazing faculty, gain leadership experience, delve into niche topics such as sports economics, 和 most of all to provide opportunities for Saint Mary’s students.


瑞安集 经济社会


主要: 经济学 

小: 哲学

学年: 初级

家乡: 加州核桃溪

我加入了经济协会. . .

because I wanted to help show fellow students the importance of learning basic economics. 对于许多, this can be a daunting discussion however by establishing our platform as a place for people to learn outside of the classroom - we have found this to be an amazing experience for all. For that I am thankful to take part. What I love about the Econ Society - is the ability collaborate with like minded people on social events to educate 和 discuss general broad topics of the economy. 


金合欢中村 Saint Mary's Econ Society


主要: 经济学 

小: 英语

学年: 高级

家乡: 加州核桃溪

我加入了经济协会. . .

because of the role it plays in creating community between the students 和 professors of the economics department!

丹尼尔·弗洛雷斯 Econ Society Photo



主要: Kinesiology, Sport Mangement

小: 经济学

学年: 高级

我加入了经济协会. . .

because I wanted to meet new people 和 be in some sort of team where I can be in some sort of position of leadership. I like the subject of 经济学 because it has taught me about the importance of the world 和 how to improve one’s stability of life.





主要: Business Administration

小: 经济学

学年: 二年级学生

家乡: Placentia,

我加入了经济协会. . .

because I felt like it was a great opportunity to be surrounded by others who share similar majors/minors.